Say hello to




The step-by-step LIVE course to help you plan your Time and live a life you Actually like.


Kicking off June 28th

Let’s get real for a second, friend


Do you find yourself constantly overwhelmed and frustrated because you never feel like you have enough time to do all the things that are on your to-do list?

Does juggling kids, the house, and your business feel like too much?

Do you not know where to start to get a grip on your time and  create routines and systems that work?

Have other planning systems been too generic or been a bad fit for your personality?

Have you begun to lose yourself a little bit in the chaos of it all?



Which is why I spent years experimenting, tweaking, testing, and trying method after method until I finally distilled this strategy down to a concrete process that's completely customizable to your personality and real life.

 And I’m sharing my step-by-step approach with you in Live Well Planned: a LIVE Course to help you plan your time and live a life you actually like!

Repeat after me

You are smart and capable.
You can get a grasp on your time.
You can enjoy your life.
You can—and will—learn the tools you need to build a life that is productive and present.

It starts with the right BUILDING BLOCKS

This isn’t about fitting into someone else's idea of how your life should run. This is about learning a few basic methods to analyze your time and create a workable plan that fits your personality, your family, and your actual life.

Are you getting excited yet?


Live Well Planned

Live Course

My comprehensive, interactive LIVE course will take you step-by-step through the process of analyzing your time and all the things you need to do, then creating actionable plans and routines to make the things happen.

The course will begin on June 28th with new content releasing each week through the end of July. You will then have a month of follow-up planning sessions and check-ins throughout August.

Let’s take a look at what’s inside



Trello Templates

You will receive customizable Trello Templates to help you get a grasp on ALL THE THINGS! From brain dumps to routines and everything in between, these templates have you covered.


Live video teaching

I love to teach LIVE so that I can answer your questions in real time and help you get the most out of this course as possible! Not to worry if you can't make it LIVE, though- you'll always have access to replays!



Connect with other women who are working through the exact same process as you! Learn from their questions and receive encouragement and accountability.


FOllow Up

After our 5 weeks of content teaching you will receive an entire month of follow up to make sure you are able to put everything you've learned into practice. The month of August will include Weekly Planning sessions as well as check-ins on your progress.


20 minutes of  planning per week, once the right systems are in place, can exponentially increase your productivity, quality time with family, and self-care, as well as dramatically reducing decision fatigue.

Your wonderful life is out there
—waiting for you.

I’m not holding back and I’m not keeping secrets; this is the real deal, designed to walk you through tried-and-true strategies in small, bite-sized steps.

You’ll learn how to...

Create one central place for all your to-dos, goals, and everyday tasks and use that raw information to create actionable plans that don't overwhelm


Use tools to help you organize your life and time (such as various types of calendars and apps to streamline your planning)


Know exactly what to do when so you stop finding yourself spinning your wheels


To bulk-plan in order to decide things in advance and save yourself time and sanity


Discover what planning systems work best for your personality and season of life


Take your monthly cycle into account in your planning, and so much more!

Ok, so how can i access all this awesomeness?

The kind of knowledge and personalized coaching contained in this course can run into the thousands depending on who you’re buying from. But my commitment to you is not only to give you education that actually works—it’s to give it to you at a price that doesn’t break the bank. That’s why for a limited time only, I’m offering the Live Well Planned Live Course for only


Reg. $347

Kick Your Planning Up a Notch




 Level Up 



Wait, there’s more? That’s right, friend

Sometimes we just want a little bit of extra, personalized guidance to help us make things happen- that's exactly what my One-on-One Coaching is for!

When you add on this option I will personally meet with you over Marco Polo to help you sort through all the things in your brain dump, analyze your time, create your routines and take you personally through this process every step of the way.

customer testimonials

Becky Deane

“My favorite part of the [course] was definitely having someone there to break down all my mental clutter for me and structure it in a way that made sense. So ofter I just feel intense overwhelm thinking of how to incorporate or even structure my day…” 

Becky Deane, cont…

"…so when I opened that first Trello board… it was like the heavens had opeend and the angels sang!!! I had hope that it WAS doable for me, and not just everyone else!!!"

Nicole Burch

I can't say enough about how much this course helped me. MacKenzie was a perfect balance of kind and understanding but also was willing to call you out and tell you what needed to happen. I'd recommend this course to anyone juggling multiple rolls.

Let this be the summer that things change

You're one step away from feeling on top of your life.

Six years ago I found myself in a situation of needing to completely overhaul my life. I had been caught in an abusive marriage for 14 years and I finally decided to flee the situation and build a new life for me and my kids. Since that time it has been far from easy- we are still in and out of court to this day. It would be very easy to just roll over and let the difficulties of life win- it's much harder to fight for the life you actually want. But each time I'm faced with that choice, the good, hard work or creating beauty from ashes wins out. 

In all the stress and overwhelm over the years planning has been something I have been able to cling to. There is power in controlling the things you can control when so much else is completely out of your control. The simplest parts of planning my days and making progress on those plans reminds me that there is hope, that there is goodness in the future and even right now when I look for it and I work for it. I feel passionately about showing other women how to do the same. There is freedom & joy in planning well!


It’s time to cut the overwhelm and enjoy your life!