Five Friday Favorites 12th Edition (Destressing)

Things have been a little, shall we say, “stressful” around these parts lately. So, this week especially I focused on what I could be doing and using to reduce my stress quotient. The following have been my favorite and most helpful.

Gravity Blankets- They are a new sponsor of the podcast but the legitimacy of this product after using it for a week is CRAZY!! I have been sleeping so deeply under my new Gravity Blanket and I truly think that has helped me manage all that has been going on. Use the code “LIVEWELL” for 15% off.

Chill Factor Quick Sticks from Care/of- These have been a staple for me for quite a while and are a game changer for high-stress days (such as when I am heading to court). They just help to take the edge off and I make sure I am never without at least a few on hand. I also use the supplements recommended to me by care/of to help manage my overall daily stress. You can get 50% off your order by going to

ENL with Delta Folate- A friend recommended that I try this supplement to help with brain fog and a general feeling of being down. Over the past year I have used it off and on and I do notice a marked difference when I just buckle down and take it. I bought two bottles this week (a two month supply) so that I can really stick with it and make some progress. Even in just a few short days of taking it I start to feel more clear-headed. (I should also mention that I am also likely folate deficient from a MTHFR gene mutation that runs in my family, so it’s extra important for me to be regular, bioavalable folate in my system. Also, I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice.)

Destress Supplements by Rae- You can really never have too many destressing supplements in your life- I think that’s my new motto. I have recently been using these and I do think they are helping me have more of an overall sense of calm. They are inexpensive and available at Target as well, if you need some instant destressing gratification.

Twister- Bet you didn’t see this one comin’! This week we have been teaming up with another neighborhood family to play what we have dubbed “Hamster,” which is the playing of Twister while listening to Hamilton. We’ve had so much fun twisting and singing at the same time and it has been the perfect way to unwind and laugh at the end of long days. It also doesn’t hurt that I dominate at this game. (Awww, winning, the ultimate destressor for any Enneagram 3! Just keepin’ it real! Haha!)


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