Favorite Supplements this Fall for Me and the Kids!

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This year, of all years, I’m finding it so important to focus on our wellness as a family. Even a cold can land my kids in quarantine for weeks on end. Personally, if I get sick and my voice sounds scratchy, stuffed up, or gone completely, I’m dead out of work as a voice actor and podcaster. So, anything I can do to keep us healthy and fully functional is of utmost importance! I thought I would share with you all what we’re using and is working for us.

I will fully admit, right from the jump, that this is a bit of a “kitchen sink” post. I am throwing everything in here that we take so you have a comprehensive resource to refer to when I mention products. I will be doing more individualized posts and videos in the future, but here is the whole kit and caboodle of what we use!

*I’m not a doctor, so keep that in mind- this isn’t medical advice, but rather anecdotal. Also, affiliate links are used in this post.

Vitamin C

We take a LOT of Vit C in this house! We take it daily for maintenance but we also boost our levels if we feel something coming on. Don’t worry, your body will tell you if you have hit your max capacity (aka- you’ll be running to the bathroom), but it’s pretty much the number one thing we take to stay on top of our health. If I were limited to only one supplement, Vit C would be it!

What I Take-

What the Kids Take-

Vitamin D

We live in the Pacific Northwest, need I say more? The sun is not exactly coming out to play for 9 months out of the year, so Vitamin D is essential. We make sure to always use one that pairs with Vit K2 to help with absorption and effectiveness.

What I Take-

What the Kids Take-


Great for energy and brain function, the kids and I all take the same version from Mary Ruth’s Organics because it is methylated, which means it’s easily absorbable and safe for people with the MTHFR gene mutation which runs in my family.

General Wellness and Immune Support

What I Take-

What the Kids Take-

For Sleep

Rest is such a key factor in staying well and I make sure that we are focusing not only on the hours spent sleeping but also the quality of that time. These are the products we use to help promote sleep in our house-

Related: If you like this post, you might also like my YouTube video on what I drink in a day.