Five Friday Favorites 10th Edition

It’s an eclectic mix this week of favorites! I have recently had some fun new beauty finds, plus I’m shamelessly loving a new show that the boys and I are watching. I will also be talking about all of these in IG stories, so you can head over to my highlights to find all of them. After you check out my favorites, I’d love to hear yours!

Flutter Habit Lashes- Anyone who has been following me on IG knows I’ve been talking about these a lot lately! I thought they would be fun to try because they stay on for days and sort of make me look like I always have a filter on, even in real life! Haha! But what I didn’t expect is how much they are cutting down my getting-ready time in the morning and how I feel like I could practically walk out the door right when I wake up! Game changer! My favorites are the Shorties and the Winks. I’m still experimenting to find my favorite glue, but I’ll keep you posted! Shop through my link for 10% off-

Makeup Eraser Glow Up 7-Day Set- I was already a big fan of makeup erasers for taking off my makeup, but they have become positively essential since I’ve started wearing Flutter Habit lashes. I don’t like to use my makeup balm on my eyes because it breaks down the adhesive, so these babies have done the trick. They are the perfect size and I’m able to keep up on always having at least a couple washed. Brilliant! (I got my rainbow set at Ulta.)

Hair Towel Turbans- I have needed to get these for my girls for so long! They can’t keep an actual towel on their little heads after a bath or shower, but these puppies are the trick! They are super absorbent, which really helps with our hair drying time (they both have thick hair), plus they think they’re fun and cute. These towels are also currently at their lowest price in 30 days on Amazon!

Unite 7Seconds Detangler- Speaking of my girls’ hair after being washed, this is our ride-or-die hair detangler. This stuff WORKS, plus it smells amazing! You can also use it on dry hair and it is the pivotal piece in being able to do my girls’ hair without them hating me!

Falcon and The Winter Soldier- After WandaVision ended (and I was subsequently emotionally wrecked!) we were so happy to have Marvel turnaround so quickly with another new series! While also pretty emotional, I love getting follow this very different set of characters a little bit more deeply in a series format and it’s so fun to share in with my boys. We even talk about connecting with our kids over media in the podcast this week. Be sure to check it out!


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