Five Friday Favorites 9th Edition

Spring is finally beginning to feel like it is truly around the corner in the PNW, and I couldn’t be more grateful! The kids are playing outside more, the days are longer, and I feel like my brain is starting to wake up from its winter slumber. Thank goodness!! So, here’s what I’m jiving with this week!

Majesty- I haven’t finished many books this year, though I have abandoned countless ones. I’m happy to say this one made the cut and I think I like it even better than the original. I thought Majesty displayed admirable growth and maturing for all of the characters (except for maybe Jefferson) and I thoroughly enjoyed the journey. Two thumbs up to this sequel and I’m hoping for a third!

WandaVision- Now that I’ve seen the whole season I can’t recommend this show highly enough. It had depth and heart and incredible acting. While its start was slow, from episode 4 on I couldn’t get enough. Admittedly, I’m a bit of a Marvel nerd and am pretty invested with this franchise, but I think this series could be enjoyed regardless of your investment in the MCU. Katie and I loved it so much, in fact, that we will be releasing a minicast in Patreon in a couple of weeks surrounding how to have deeper conversations with your kids by sharing in watching WandVision together. So be on the lookout for that!

Elf No Budge Shadow Sticks- I recently decided to give these a try because I have had good luck with Elf’s shadow palettes. I’m always on the lookout for a good shadow stick, especially in preparation for summer. I’m delighted to announce that these puppies work! I currently have 2 colors and plan to get more. At $5 a pop you really can’t beat the price and I love the ease and staying power of these mighty little sticks.

Coil Ponytail Holders- I love me a coiled pony tail holder! As my hair is starting to get a little longer again I have been finding myself pulling it up more often. I have thick and slick hair that can be difficult to keep in place, but these types of spiral pony holders that are wide like old phone cords have been the answer to my prayers! My hair doesn’t go anywhere! I don’t get those hard pony creases in my hair and they work great for messy buns. I don’t know what I did without them the first 36 years of my life! I think these leopard bands are especially cute!

Ring Doorbell- Now that my kids are in and out of the house more, playing around the neighborhood in the nicer weather, I am especially enjoying our Ring Doorbell. I feel safer in general knowing that it is keeping tabs on my front door and I love being alerted whenever anyone is near it. I also really like having the app that alerts me to other things going down in a 2 mile radius. It’s just a little added security that puts my mind at ease.


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