Five Friday Favorites 8th Edition

This week’s list is filled with items that feel like them have literally been saving my life this week! Everything from the coffee that’s keeping me going, to the food we’re eating without me having to think about it, to the show I’m watching for a little escape, and more. What’s saving your life right now?

Men in Kilts- I am a long time Outlander fan. If we’re being honest, it was a huge coping mechanism for me as I left my marriage all those years ago. And well, Sam and Graham are a huge part of that pull! I avidly listened to Clanlands when it came out (a previous Friday Favorite) and have been loving their new show just as much. It actually has exceeded my expectations, which I did not think it would. I did have to subscribe to Starz in order to watch, but that has allowed me to catch up on some seasons of other shows I hadn’t been able to access in a while, so it has been worth it.

Stok Not Too Sweet Cold Brew- I had been preparing to cut sugar out of my diet (which I still plan to at some point) and so I had stopped drinking my beloved cold brew about a month ago. However, when life decided to sweep in hard and strong in the past couple of weeks, a dear friend told me that now was just not the time and gave me permission to re-embrace some of my little comforts. This was one of them. I LOVE this cold brew! It is sweet, but not too much, so smooth, and the perfect pairing with some heavy cream and collagen powder.

Lume Deodorant Cream- So my 8 year old has some serious sensory aversions. Anything too tight is simply too much for her to handle at this point. This has lead to her outright refusal to wear socks, resulting in a stench that will darn near make you faint within a 10 foot radius. Soooooo, we have been embarking on a little battle of the foot odor and this is our cream of choice. It works great in other “regions” also, just as it claims.

Hello Fresh- Do they sponsor my podcast? Yes. Do I legit love them and do they save my life every time they arrive? Yes! I used to be all picky and change their recipes to suit my tastes. Now, I don’t play. I don’t think at all. I just do what they tell me to do and it is the best thing EVER!!! It takes so much pressure off me on crazy weeks and helps me not turn to take out. Look for a discount code soon on the podcast and my sponsors and affiliates page.

Blossom App- Somehow I have managed to keep most of the plants I purchased at the end of summer alive, but some are definitely not thriving. But, because instagram loves me so much (read: hacks my phone and listens to my every word), they must have known I needed some plant help and showed me this sponsored post for the Blossom App. It took me about 10 minutes to run around my house snapping pictures of all my plants, which it then identified, and automatically set up a watering schedule for me with notifications. Boom!! I was also able to take pictures in the app so I will be able to see progress over time! I’m in love and I’ll let you know how it goes!


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