Five Friday Favorites 7th Edition

The last couple of Fridays have been largely steeped in survival mode as our family has been transitioning another kiddo back to school and working through how that also impacts our parenting plan. My days have looked and felt entirely different, so it’s taken some readjusting! So, in this Five Friday Favorites I have included the things that have been both comforting and joy-filling for me recently.

Moody App- This app is a game changer! Not only does it help you track how you are feeling emotionally and physically during your cycle, but it also walks you through things to expect and with your mood and body that day. It gives you tips for what to eat, how to exercise, and what to do to feel your best on that particular day of your cycle. This is a fantastic resource for understanding your own body and being able to communicate your needs to those around you.

Trend & Snap Expressie by Essie Nail Polish- Essie just released a whole bunch of new colors and limited edition lines, including their fast-drying and clean Expressie polishes. This week I am wearing Trend and Snap and it is a fun, sparkly but earthy pink for Valentine’s Day.

Rice Heater- It has been stinking cold here this week!! Between my VO studio being out in our garage and just wanting a little bit of extra comfort through all the crazy, I have been almost constantly using my microwaveable rice heater! I use it in bed every night and simply adore it!

Sassy Beret from Sweater Heads- Part of survival mode lately has involved washing my hair less. Washing my hair less involves wearing more hats! I have a few that I rotate through, but one of my absolute favorites is my Sassy Beret from Seater Heads. This is such a cool company that uses old sweaters to make their hats and I adore them!

Tulips from Trader Joes- It’s Tulip season!! Just yesterday I bought my first flower bouquet of the year- a double dozen from Trader Joes for $11. Over the past couple of years I have come to realize how much I love and value having fresh cut flowers in our home throughout the spring and summer months. It just adds a freshness and measure of hope that nothing else does. I split up this bouquet between our dining room, my bedroom, and the girls bedroom. Spring really is on its way, even if it doesn’t feel like it!


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